Fire extinguished in the zinc sulphate plant of GRILLO Chemicals GmbH
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October 1: Progress after the fire at the zinc sulphate plant at GRILLO
Following the fire in the zinc sulphate plant at the GRILLO factory in Duisburg, dismantling work has begun on the affected building. This work is necessary in order to gain access to the burnt-down facilities and parts of the building and to carry out a more precise assessment of the damage. At the same time, intensive work is being carried out on a schedule for partial commissioning and reconstruction.
“We would particularly like to emphasize the enormous support of our employees, who are contributing to the ongoing work with great commitment. We are extremely grateful for their commitment and motivation,” says Dr. Tilo Horstmann, Managing Director of GRILLO Chemicals GmbH.
GRILLO is doing everything it can to support its customers during this transition phase. The company is therefore working at full speed on solutions to maintain the supply chain. The company is also examining the possibility of temporarily buying in products to bridge potential bottlenecks.
Discussions with the insurers are proceeding constructively and GRILLO is confident that it will be able to achieve a swift and comprehensive settlement of the claims.
September 16, 4:00 pm:
Update on the availability of chemical products:
Due to the increasing number of customer inquiries, we would like to provide a brief update on the availability of our chemical products.
Due to the fire in Duisburg, the plants for the three product lines zinc sulphate, waste acid and sulphur dioxide cannot currently be operated. At the present time, we are unable to say when production will be possible again.
The product lines from the Frankfurt production facilities (DME, DMS, sulphuric acid, oleum, sulphites sulphates) are not affected by the incident and are not subject to any delivery restrictions.
September 13, 1:30 p.m:
The cause of the fire in the zinc sulphate plant at GRILLO-Werke has been determined: a technical defect in a fan started the fire. The police investigation is now complete.
GRILLO has already started the extensive clean-up and dismantling work. However, the reconstruction of the plant is expected to take some time. The Group is doing everything it can to make this process as efficient as possible, but due to the severity of the damage, this will take some time.
“The fire was undoubtedly a setback, but we are grateful that no one was seriously injured. We know that some of our customers have been severely affected by the loss of deliveries. We are in close contact with them to find solutions together. All our employees are working with determination and full commitment to repair the damage and restore operations as quickly as possible. I am very impressed by this high level of commitment. We will also overcome this challenge together and emerge stronger,” says CEO Ulrich Grillo.
Good news from Duisburg. The fire that broke out yesterday afternoon has been successfully extinguished. The fire department has officially declared its operation over. Fortunately, only one person was slightly injured in the incident and is already well again. There was no danger to residents at any time.
A specially trained team from GRILLO-Werke is currently continuing to keep a fire watch at the site to keep an eye on possible pockets of embers. Extinguishing equipment has remained on site so that the fire department can intervene again immediately if necessary.
The exact cause of the fire and the extent of the damage are still being investigated. GRILLO will continue to work closely with the relevant authorities to clarify the situation as quickly as possible.

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